Tag Archive | Christian voting

I can understand voting for Donald Trump

I voted sticker

We may be less inclined than usual to wear the proud sticker this November

I can understand voting for Donald Trump… if you are xenophobic. The world can be a scary place. You might go to watch a friend’s child in a play in Knoxville, and a man with a shotgun might come in and start shooting. It happens. OR, you might be dropping off your child at daycare in the federal building where you work in Oklahoma City and a truck bomb goes off, creating a crater thirty feet wide and eight feet deep, an earthquake that registered a 3.0 on the Richter scale, and could be heard and felt fifty-five miles away. It happens. OR you might have to work for the IRS in Austin and a suicide pilot flies into your building. It happens. Maybe Mr. Trump can stop these things from happening. After all, he wants to close our borders. But wait… these incidents, and there are others, were perpetrated by white natural born citizens of the United States so that would not have helped.


I can understand voting for Donald Trump… if you are so angry with American politics that absolutely anything will be better than what we have now. It couldn’t possibly get any worse. You may think that at least he will do SOMETHING, even if it’s wrong.

I can understand voting for Donald Trump if ethics, integrity, thoughtfulness, and consistency are not important to you or if you disagree with the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights.


I expect my President to be qualified for the office, to understand the Constitution, to possess true leadership ability (a tyrant is not a leader), and not to be vulgar, offensive, or coarse. I expect my President to understand that people on both sides of an issue can have legitimate reasons for thinking as they do and be able to develop ways to bring them together.

Voting for Donald Trump

I cannot understand a parent voting for Donald Trump.

Is this a man we want our children to emulate?

A President is an example to our children whether we intend it or not. How can we teach them that it is wrong to belittle, bully, and trash others when he is doing it? What is a President Trump going to contribute to the moral fiber of our society? It hasn’t been so long ago that we were pounding President Bill Clinton for having an extra-marital affair. What has happened to us that we are now willing to put a man in office that is more concerned with the size of his hands than with the practicability of his policies. Christian women, how would you feel if your husband spoke to you or about you the way this man speaks to and about women?



I cannot understand a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ voting for Donald Trump.

picture of Donald Trump


Blessed [favored by God] are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.


Does Jesus’ teaching mean nothing to us? Does it no longer hold any sway over our behavior? I’m not talking about the behavior of the general population; I’m talking about the behavior of the people who are supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world. Where in the Bible does it say that if our opposition is pressing in, that we may ignore what Jesus says and do what it takes to get our way?

loose cannon – n – a person who cannot be controlled and who does or says things that cause problems, embarrassment, etc., for others: a dangerously uncontrollable person or thing


Donald Trump is a loose cannon. We don’t really know what he will do when he gets into office. When the proverbial stuff hits the fan, it will settle and certainly run downhill. If the world is lucky, the citizens of the United States will be the only ones affected, and it will be our fault. It won’t be Mr. Trump’s. He’s just being who he is. We can’t blame the dog for killing the chickens when we let him into the hen house.

We are not being who we are, God’s people, purchased at a great price to be His representatives on earth, set apart as different because of our love and compassion for the world. We are being something ugly and fearful.

It will be ALL. OUR. FAULT.



Do character, kindness, and morality still matter? This article by Randy Alcorn is long. Count the paragraphs as you scroll down and start at number 12. Imagine having a guest for dinner with your family…